
Monday, June 09, 2003

Have been internet-deprived for more than a couple weeks now: after fiddling with my new webcam software, I brought my computer into such a state that it point-blank refused to allow any of its communication programs other than Outlook to make use of the modem. Then, mid-last week, my phone was cut off; I had forgotten to pay the bill. Eh...
Am hoping to remedy both situations soon, though. In the mean time, for both my own rememberance and preserving your interest, I will list a number of things that piqued my scribbling interest over the past 18 days. I will probably completely disregard the list when I next update.
1. The Poor Illy Experiment. A frank account of how a chickie residing in Bucharest can survive for 4 days on the equivalent of $6.
2. The realization that, if you live in the contemporary Western world, no matter who your parents are, you will consider that they fucked you up. Which a very good and comforting thought, really.
3. Knot Magazine's Quarterlife Crisis section. The Quarterlife Crisis concept, to be more precise.
4. My former fling/new casual friend Cezar. Or how immaturity is deceptive and unrelated to a person's physical experience. And this is not a value judgement.
5. The phrase "it's her/his body, s/he can do whatever s/he wants with it" -- which is used almost exclusively when refering to people involved in the sex industry, although it has the exact same relevance for any, and I mean any kind of profession. Um, or the way that sex can be highly personal and highly impersonal at the same time.
That's it. Hope to be back shortly.

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